OK. Funny enough. It’s as if it’s a word no need explanation as it’s too obvious. Racism is like stealing. Most of us are all shamed of it because it’s not what a descent human being should do. But while facing people that keep stealing in front of the public and still can claim to the public: ‘I am the least stealing man you have ever met in your life…’ We all live in the 21st century, we are all used to logical communication coz simply nowadays, nearly every one on the planet has finished 9 years school education. So when facing some man doesn’t even understand the simple logic for an 8 year old, you suddenly just don’t know how to answer him. You know he is stealing. all his family know he is stealing. he perhaps knows himself he is stealing. But how can you reason to him if they just simply say ‘This is not stealing’ ?
Do we need a clear definition for Racism? No. Because, we all know, being racism is like stealing. It means taking advantage of people who are at a weaker position and have less power to defend for themselves. Racisms, are the ones who don’t want to work for more, but hope to be born to be given. Either for job opportunities or social status. Skin color is not like a bachelor’s degree that you need 4 years hard work to achieve, it’s not like good personality that need a whole life to accumulate, or not even a body shape that need to be maintained by exercise. It’s the most easy glow (if it counts) to get. In the past, people can simply get more respect just because their color is lighter. And some people are happy to take that advantage. No need to blame those because that was how the society looked like back then. Before Jesus was born, no nation has realised stealing, robbering, and murdering was shameful until later when the society finds out. However, different fact today is, we all know how shameful racism is, but some people still want to turn the history and civilisation wheel backward, because they are still missing the suger taste before when they didn’t need to do anything to get all the benefites since they were born. Do you know why the dictators in russian and communist countries are still sitting on their citizens’ head? Because of the advantages they can gain. If you don’t know how to protect a fair society, if you want to bring the beautiful country back to a place where the stronger are encouraged to take advantage from the weaker, you may end up being one of the citizens being sitting on. Because, let’s face it, you are not likely becoming the strongest one.
However, like those who had to steal for bread hundreds years ago, unemployed locals criticise immigrants, which in fact, from my point of view, is understandable. Because after all, no one enjoys unwilling unemployment. Suggestions though: get better education, because soon the cheapest labour will be roberts that are happy to work 24 hours with “0” complain, no passports required, no pension funds required, no degree required, and worst of all, no wage required. No humans can compete with them. They are literally Roborts with no life. Think how fast mobile technology has grown last ten years? Once the robort technology pass the test, bulk production will spread the whole world within few years. Worst of all, Roberts can reproduce Roberts. Their reproducing speed is unlimited. If you think isolating your country can protect your job, even if you succeed, after less than one decade, congratulations, your mother land will be the least developed country in the world. By then you will try your best to immigrant out. Today, it’s because of the high technology and cheap labour in other countries, you get lower living lost and lower education cost, which allows you to study in the university without working. So appreciate it and make use of the chance now. I personally feel sorry for those unemployed, I know it’s a bit hard for them to adapt to this fast growing world. However, it’s still better than hundreds years ago, because of the low efficiencies, some times people had to kill simply just for food or sex.
So what can those extra work force do if all those easy boring labouring work will be taken by machines? Well. how about we forcus more on biological science? try to find cure for cancer or other deadly disease, or even death? Wouldn’t that be exciting if we all can live as long as we want and recover our skin to 10 year old while we turn 100?
or how about spending more time and energy searching the outer space more often? build residential places on other planets? don’t you want to go and have a look if there are other planets having small human tents?
what about human history and earth history? don’t you want to know how our earth looked like 10,000 years ago? do you want to know how our ancestries invented language and tools? don’t you want to know if dinosor really exist?
Think narrowly, your future will be narrowed with no path. Think more openly, you will get yourself a much brighter and happy future!