Remember back to 15 years ago while I was in China, I was a young fresh junior uni student, sitting in an English class room, listening to a foreign teacher giving lecture to nearly 200 Chinese students. It was a public university in a normal city in China. The teacher was a handsome young white fellow. He looked around 25 years age, comfortably intelligent and well mannered. He is obviously not coming to China to dig gold since no one would be coming to this place to teach if he/she wants to make any money. I heard salary for a foreign teacher in my uni was around $500 a month. Any job in US would make him a lot more than that.
I was excited. Didn’t see many foreign faces actually speaking English at my age. I was very curious about western culture. Reasons I have given in other posts. From a background where hierarchy was a number one rule in daily life, I honestly unconsciously felt that American people are at a more hierarchy level than we Chinese people. Look at their civilisation, look at their education, literature, science, environment …., what do we have better than them except our long history? There were three young American female teachers as well. They were cute, pretty and smart. I felt me and them are like two type of species in this universe. Although we all can talk and walk with two legs, I think in my hierarchy world, these people should be above the highest. The normal Chinese hierarchy system is like: King of China – Everyone works for him – State captain – Everyone works for him – City Captain – Everyone works for him – Village Captain and his fellows – My Ground Father – Grand Mother – Father – Mother – Younger Brother – Oldest Sister – Second Sister – Me. In this micro system in the uni, the hierarchy would be: USA teacher – Principle – Department Principle – Master Teacher – All other teachers – Class Leader – Classmate with good score – Me . This is almost like a formula we use for all our daily tasks. I have genuinely never thought there could be possibility that me be equal to those Americans. It didn’t bother me too much though. I had been living like that my whole life. I was used to it.
The USA teacher spoke very nice English with clear pronunciation and proper rhythm. I could tell he’s well educated from his speech even though I could barely understand the content of the speech. I was sitting in the middle of the crowd, listening to his nice American English, trying hard to catch what he was saying, like many other students in the class. Suddenly the crowd burst into a loud laugh. I knew he made a joke and I had no idea what the joke was, but I decided to focus so that not miss a joke again. The teacher paused a second then he continued again. “A student asked me today what’s the difference between Chinese women and American women?” He then surprisingly shook his head without answering the question directly and instead said that “maybe it’s a culture thing, but it’s not American women or Chinese women. Women are women! We say women in China or women in America, not Chinese women or American women…” It’s really funny that I forgot all the rest part of the lecture, but I remembered this sentence for 15 years. Women are women. Why we put a frame in front of a person to categorise her / him first? We are all women and we are all the same. From that day on, I realised how amazing this sentence has influenced me. I started to dare to dream big. I started to dig my potential and not give up just because I was at the bottom of the hierarchy world. This teacher gave me my biggest inspiration in my life. Later I found out that he was a church leader in the uni. Isn’t that a coincident?
I personally haven’t been a diligent christian practitioner. Sometimes I wanted to go to church to do my worship, but somehow I feel I’m not qualified enough to enter the church. To me, it’s as if I don’t belong there since I haven’t been baptist and haven’t really practised a lot in my life. Maybe this is the suggestion I can give to the church manager. Try to make the church more welcome and open to normal people. Even just for people to sit there for a peaceful mind, it will be helpful. Continue reading “Will the world be a better place without religion(s)?”
Being in Australia for 7 years and I haven’t thought about moving back to China. I love and miss my family, my friends and a lot of awesome food there, but I am quite sure I prefer to stay in Australia even though a lot of important people of my are in China.
There are storms in inner cities as well. Just happens very rare.Train station – as I have been told, this is an old one, but pretty nice. Seems a few hundred years of history already.Being in Australia for nearly 7 years. How time flies! Where did my 7 years go? Can’t really understand. So many things are missed. So many plans are pushed off to the future. But there’s one plan I should not delay any longer. That is to visit some inner-land towns in Australia. I have been living in big crowded cities during the last 20 years of my life. Now the small towns in countryside are the most appealing areas for me. I was a bit scared doing this by myself. I haven’t travelled by myself before. I decided to take train there. Cheaper, easier to book and a good chance to see the countryside through the train window. I quickly checked the map and found a city called Waga Waga which is between sydney and melbourne. I also booked accommodation through airbnb for those two cities. Was told by the lovely hostess in waga waga that it is the biggest inner land city in australia with up to 70,000 population. If you are from China, you will laugh. Was excited and frightened at the same time. This will be the first time of my life travel to a place all by myself. Even when I came to Australia, I had someone coming to the airport to pick me up to the place, so even back then it wasn’t as scaring as this one. I decided to take train from Brisbane to Newcastle, stay for two nights. Then travel from Newcastle to Waga Waga (there’s a dramatic story during this journey, you will read from below). Unfortunately, the interstate train only leaves Brisbane at 4am in the morning. So i had to pack everything the night before. It wasn’t a pleasant experience to get up at 3am in the morning and sitting at the train station waiting. When the train starts off, I smelled the fuel burning. It really smelled like a 50 year old car, but the smell disappeared a while later after the train left. After I got on the train, i went to sleep straight forward. I was lucky. The seat next to me was empty. And with a height of 5″2′, i could lay most of my body on the seat and slept like a baby. Of course this is just a metaphor compared with sitting. I woke up a few times on the train. It was freezing cold on the train. If you are thinking taking some interstate rail way journey, make sure you bring a jacket!! No kidding. It’s like freezing cold on the train. As it was 4am in the morning, you could still see the stars on the sky through the window. I was shocked by how big and bright the stars look like while you are in country side. At first i thought it was the light from the lamps next to the rail way. My camera was not good enough to capture the beautiful scene. So i’ll leave it to your imagination. Also in order to save the battery, I put both my Samsung and iphone in battery saving mode. There are meals served on the train as well. During the cold weather on the train, you will naturally want to buy the hot meals they serve. Those hot meals are similar as the meals served on the airplane. It’s quite simple really. But I enjoyed it. Mostly because it warms you up. There are other cold fresh food like raps, cake etc like small cafes. But i wasn’t into those food. It took around 12 hours from Brisane to Newcastle. While i was about to get off the train, i realized my iphone was dying out. Because I forgot to turn the wifi off. I guess while the train was moving, it was trying to connect any new wifi it signalled. Luckily i brought two phones with me.
It’s almost 5pm when i got off the train. There are taxis right in front of the train station. I took the taxi to the airbnb house. Newcastle was larger and busier than i expected. It’s a bit like a city full of historical factories. I was very tired after got to the house. I took a shower, then went to sleep very quickly. I woke up around 8pm. The place was dark, but it couldn’t stop me from going outside because i was very hungry. The hotel I booked was actually near the CBD, but I was shocked by how quiet the street was. Very few cars were running, not even mention pedestrians. The road lamps are a bit deem and the air looks dusty. It gave me a feeling of those cities in mid 50s. I walked towards CBD, hoping there will be some place I can eat something. Most of the shops and restaurants were closed that time. My hope became more and more skinny. The streets were quiet as well in CBD. Luckily, i saw an indian restaurant was still open. I nearly ran into the shop in case the waitress hold her hand in front of me and telling me’Sorry Miss, we are closing’ like those woollies staff. Turns out there are quite many customers coming to this restaurant. Most of them are shift workers. A few locals according to my observation. I was perhaps the only visitor and sitting alone by myself. I don’t think many people would choose to spend their long holiday like me. Food wasn’t what I liked the most, but I was quite happy that could find food around that time. After the dinner, I walked very relaxed back to the hotel. The moon looked bright and smooth. So beautiful and peaceful. My sleep was good except a few musketeers bite me on my hands, but not too seriously. Luckily I got some repellent.
Got up around 9 the second morning and started preparing my visit in the town. As I had to leave away from this town 4am the second morning, I only had one day left for Newcastle. I decided to visit the city and the beach. The famous visitors’ place in Newcastle is Hunter Valley, which is also near the beach. I took a walk since I haven’t moved much since got on the train. Sun shine in Newcastle was bright, but somehow wasn’t as strong as in Brisbane. To me, I felt more acceptable walking under this sun. Street view wasn’t much difference from Brisbane and other cities. All similar suburbs, but the houses are more Victoria feature. Here you can see a few nice houses.
The beach was beautiful. But you won’t be too impressed if you have lived in sunshine state for 7 years. Those one to two hours driving distance beaches away from Brisbane city with graceful beaches and fresh air can satisfy your eyes and nose without intentional effort.
If there’s one thing I find different, is the history of this town. From the feature of the building you can tell, modern civilisation started earlier here than in Brisbane. Buildings have a feature of the older industrial background. As if you could imagine there was how the people lived a century ago with farm goods, mining and industrial product exchange in the city. While I was wandering around the city without a particular purpose, a corner of a brick building suddenly appeared in front of me. It’s a stunning historical church at the top of the hill. It’s as if you found a glowing pearl in a pile of gravel. The church locates at the top of the hill, which gives you a feeling you are achieving some thing while you are climbing. The view is a bit inspiring while you get to the top of the hill. Everything that used to be tall and grand suddenly becomes so clear and smaller in front of you. What’s lying under neath you now are the hotels, the old industrial manufactures, the cruise, the bridge, the everything.
There’s a small clock tower standing in front of the church. I believe was used as a clock long time ago. Right now, it is standing there humbly. The well preserved bell and hanger still indicates the grace and elegance while during victoria stage what was famous for. It is as if it’s quietly reminding its future generations not to forget the history that so many ancestors and pioneers explored this uncivilised land from scratch and started building the beautiful and colourful city for us to enjoy today. Not sure how many young people nowadays will pay attention to these precious memories their ancestors had build. Young kids are playing in front of the beach, swimming, getting sun tan and having fun. Hope someday they will start to realise it’s a bless for them having history like so.
Every paving brick is crafted with contributors’ names on it.
It is called Chris church cathedral. All the churches in Australia seem to be built for the glory of god. Started around 1800, it took the ancestors exact 100 years to finish the construction of this building. People who started the design, may not be able to see the completion of the project. By looking at the elegantly and fine made artwork, you won’t be surprised that it took so long. Each evenly laid brick, each delicately crafted wall, each piece of colourfully painted picture, all seems telling people the architects, the engineers, the builders, were all trying to pursue a perfect finished project for future generations.
The reception lady was very hospitalised. She gave me a brochure to read, which contains the events all that day in the church even though i told her I was just visiting.
After passed the hall, i was stunned by how beautiful and elegant inside of the church is. Every window is sophisticatedly decorated with colorful painting, providing an artistic feature and piratically allowing natural light coming in.
Music always seems a big important part of the worship. The music instruments here is 5,6 meters tall and some of them, in order to operate them, you have to climb above through a narrow stairs. You can tell what’s the importance of the music in those events.
It’s nearly 2pm after I got out the church. I decided to have a look at the other tourist’s attraction that afternoon – the Memorial Walk. There weren’t many restaurants around the walk, either many shops. So if you want to go there as well, remember to bring some water and energy supply if you can carry. It took a while of walk to arrive at the memorial walk. I was a bit tired and hungry honestly. But as long as I stand on the walking bridge, it’s worth it. The view was great. Standing on the bridge, you can almost see the whole view of the city. Interestingly, since I would see everything happening in the city, I observed a fire happening near the hunter vale. No wonder I felt the air was a bit dusty and dry. It’s the fire mist! If you look carefully, you will be able to tell where the fire occurred as well. Is it often fire occurs in a city or just it’s my bad luck? But the view of the city is really incredible.
It’s very tempting to walk through the bridge. I stood next to the iron statue for nearly 15 minutes but finally gave up. Exhausted and not confident with my left energy to accomplish this big exercise. Besides, it’s 3pm and it’s quite hot since it’s the hottest season in australia. But I was still quite happy for what I accomplished this day. The cathedra church, the memorial church both surprised me in a good way.
I walked towards home starts around 3pm. I found a little small park on the way home. I sit in the park for nearly one hour. Waiting for the sun to set a little bit. While it’s 4pm, i stood up and decided to walk again. On the way home, i found several other churches. All of them are decently beautiful. I believe in Newcastle, christian religion played a vital important role in older generations’ life.
After I got home, I was very exhausted. For a long time, haven’t I did exercise as intense as this day. As I need to get up around 3am the second morning to catch the train to Waga Waga, I got to sleep early. I took a shower, had some dinner. Packed everything. Setup the alarm at 3am and went to bed. It wasn’t easy to get up at 3am after you had an earlier intense day. What you can do if your train leaves at 5am? I knew I couldn’t afford to miss the train. Everything was arranged in a schedule. If I miss the train, I won’t be able to get Wagawaga untill the second day, that means I would miss my hotel in airbnb as well. I didn’t hesitate much while the alarm woke me up. Jumped out of bed, had some breakfast and packed my last bit. It was still dark outside. I checked the time on my samsung, it was 4am. Good, plenty of time. I called uber around 4am and left the airbnb hostess still in bed sleeping. It’s quite on the street, but it’s a bit brighter now. It seems a bit strange being that bright at 4am. The sky looks like 5am in Brisbane. I peeked at the time on the clock in unber car. It shows 5:30am. Oh my god!! I missed the train. It’s 5:30 already! I shouted. “I missed the train”. The driver looked a bit stunned. I realized the time on my samsung was still in Brsibane timezone! As last time I visited Melbourne, I set to adjust my timezone manually, not automatically. That means while I got to Newcastle, all the time I read was still Brisbane time, which was about one hour and a half ahead Newcastle. I missed the train, which means I’ll miss the airbnb hotel I booked in Wagawaga tonight as well. Which means I won’t be able to get there untill tomorrow. My plan to explore Wagawaga is crashed. All the effort I have made, all the waiting, will be just a waste of time and money. I was disappointed and frustrated and embarrassed by myself at the same time. How could this have happened? I have told myself so many times not to miss the train. This is the first time I am trying a journey by myself and I messed up. The uber driver asked me if I still want to go to the train station or go back to the hotel. I already checked out from the hotel. What’s the point going back there again? Besides, we are already on the way to the train station. So I told him:”Yes. We still go to the train station please.” I’ll figure out what to do when get to the train station. Also I had a slight hope that the train may be delayed. That happens all the time, right? I got off the train station and found the train already left. However, the next train to sydney will leave in one hour. Sydney is the transferring city from Newcastle to Wagawaga. I’ll go to Sydney first, then get a train from Sydney to Wagawaga. I got on the train. Still feeling sleeping, and didn’t know what to do exactly next. All I could hope was there will be a train the same day to wagawaga and it won’t arrive at mid night. I’ll open a separate post for my journey to Sydney since this post is been so long. Please go to my next page. Stopping at Sydney.
Main road is so quiet and A very nice house near the train station. A bit old, but you can tell it still keeps its elegance.Train station from outsideNormal street view. The trees are very green. Maybe due to the long hours day time.Normal street view. Quiet and very peaceful.Walked around 15 minutes away from the CBD, already see this bush land for caravan park.Next to caravan park. Bush land?Caravan ParkA nice small river running across the town.Normal street viewWalking along the street near the river. You can see a big catholic church behind us.Library square in the townPark – this is actually how it looks like at 9 clock at night. very long day time.Park – 8:30pmParkPark – 8:30pmPeople swimming in the river. They actually call it waga waga beach.We build a sand castle on the river beach. It turned out looks like an elephant.RiverRiver bank
My react when I read that some fire vehicles got thrown bricks at:
I guess I wasn’t very aware of Australian history and maybe I should read more about it. I came to this country 6 years ago and sometimes feel people here don’t appreciate enough what they have. I traveled a short period in a small city in central china and was told just few months ago one of the neighbor’s several year old son and daughter were burned to death in the house simply because there’s no fire fighting infrastructural in the community! The neighbors tried to help and the parents were desperate to try to enter the room from the window on the second floor where the kids were trapped, but failed. Because fire was expanding so fast that no one could get close!
It is understandable for people having anger if they were treated badly before, but angry impulsive behaviors won’t do anyone good. White people changed their attitude is not because of your anger. Anger was there since the beginning. It is because of the development of civilization helped those white people realized shame and guilt. Western civilization is not all bad for indigenous. Emergency services is a very humanity and important support for every race and everyone. This is why I got emotional when I read this. Fire fighters risk their lives every single day to save other people in danger, while they can’t even wander safely in the community themselves.
Millions of people come to visit this country is not merely because of kangaroos, but more importantly the harmony combination of natural and human activities. Imagine if this country is invaded by IS, I believe either white, Asian or indigenous, will all fight for this country, for humanity. Now I believe the policies in Australia is slightly favor actually to indigenous. So take this chance to get you and your children better education, get better jobs and make Australia (your home land) more shinning and everyone will be more proud of. Do you really want to get rid of all westerners and make Australia a mere bush land like hundred years ago and you have to eat kangaroos for living all your life?
OK. Funny enough. It’s as if it’s a word no need explanation as it’s too obvious. Racism is like stealing. Most of us are all shamed of it because it’s not what a descent human being should do. But while facing people that keep stealing in front of the public and still can claim to the public: ‘I am the least stealing man you have ever met in your life…’ We all live in the 21st century, we are all used to logical communication coz simply nowadays, nearly every one on the planet has finished 9 years school education. So when facing some man doesn’t even understand the simple logic for an 8 year old, you suddenly just don’t know how to answer him. You know he is stealing. all his family know he is stealing. he perhaps knows himself he is stealing. But how can you reason to him if they just simply say ‘This is not stealing’ ?
Do we need a clear definition for Racism? No. Because, we all know, being racism is like stealing. It means taking advantage of people who are at a weaker position and have less power to defend for themselves. Racisms, are the ones who don’t want to work for more, but hope to be born to be given. Either for job opportunities or social status. Skin color is not like a bachelor’s degree that you need 4 years hard work to achieve, it’s not like good personality that need a whole life to accumulate, or not even a body shape that need to be maintained by exercise. It’s the most easy glow (if it counts) to get. In the past, people can simply get more respect just because their color is lighter. And some people are happy to take that advantage. No need to blame those because that was how the society looked like back then. Before Jesus was born, no nation has realised stealing, robbering, and murdering was shameful until later when the society finds out. However, different fact today is, we all know how shameful racism is, but some people still want to turn the history and civilisation wheel backward, because they are still missing the suger taste before when they didn’t need to do anything to get all the benefites since they were born. Do you know why the dictators in russian and communist countries are still sitting on their citizens’ head? Because of the advantages they can gain. If you don’t know how to protect a fair society, if you want to bring the beautiful country back to a place where the stronger are encouraged to take advantage from the weaker, you may end up being one of the citizens being sitting on. Because, let’s face it, you are not likely becoming the strongest one.
However, like those who had to steal for bread hundreds years ago, unemployed locals criticise immigrants, which in fact, from my point of view, is understandable. Because after all, no one enjoys unwilling unemployment. Suggestions though: get better education, because soon the cheapest labour will be roberts that are happy to work 24 hours with “0” complain, no passports required, no pension funds required, no degree required, and worst of all, no wage required. No humans can compete with them. They are literally Roborts with no life. Think how fast mobile technology has grown last ten years? Once the robort technology pass the test, bulk production will spread the whole world within few years. Worst of all, Roberts can reproduce Roberts. Their reproducing speed is unlimited. If you think isolating your country can protect your job, even if you succeed, after less than one decade, congratulations, your mother land will be the least developed country in the world. By then you will try your best to immigrant out. Today, it’s because of the high technology and cheap labour in other countries, you get lower living lost and lower education cost, which allows you to study in the university without working. So appreciate it and make use of the chance now. I personally feel sorry for those unemployed, I know it’s a bit hard for them to adapt to this fast growing world. However, it’s still better than hundreds years ago, because of the low efficiencies, some times people had to kill simply just for food or sex.
So what can those extra work force do if all those easy boring labouring work will be taken by machines? Well. how about we forcus more on biological science? try to find cure for cancer or other deadly disease, or even death? Wouldn’t that be exciting if we all can live as long as we want and recover our skin to 10 year old while we turn 100?
or how about spending more time and energy searching the outer space more often? build residential places on other planets? don’t you want to go and have a look if there are other planets having small human tents?
what about human history and earth history? don’t you want to know how our earth looked like 10,000 years ago? do you want to know how our ancestries invented language and tools? don’t you want to know if dinosor really exist?
Think narrowly, your future will be narrowed with no path. Think more openly, you will get yourself a much brighter and happy future!
OK. Funny enough. It’s as if it’s a word no need explanation as it’s too obvious. Racism is like stealing. Most of us are all shamed of it because it’s not what a descent human being should do. But while facing people that keep stealing in front of the public and still can claim to the public: ‘I am the least stealing man you have ever met in your life…’ We all live in the 21st century, we are all used to logical communication coz simply nowadays, nearly every one on the planet has finished 9 years school education. So when facing some man doesn’t even understand the simple logic for an 8 year old, you suddenly just don’t know how to answer him. You know he is stealing. all his family know he is stealing. he perhaps knows himself he is stealing. But how can you reason to him if they just simply say ‘This is not stealing’ ?
Do we need a clear definition for Racism? No. Because, we all know, being racism is like stealing. It means taking advantage of people who are at a weaker position and have less power to defend for themselves. Racisms, are the ones who don’t want to work for more, but hope to be born to be given. Either for job opportunities or social status. Skin color is not like a bachelor’s degree that you need 4 years hard work to achieve, it’s not like good personality that need a whole life to accumulate, or not even a body shape that need to be maintained by exercise. It’s the most easy glow (if it counts) to get. In the past, people can simply get more respect just because their color is lighter. And some people are happy to take that advantage. No need to blame those because that was how the society looked like back then. Before Jesus was born, no nation has realised stealing, robbering, and murdering was shameful until later when the society finds out. However, different fact today is, we all know how shameful racism is, but some people still want to turn the history and civilisation wheel backward, because they are still missing the suger taste before when they didn’t need to do anything to get all the benefites since they were born. Do you know why the dictators in russian and communist countries are still sitting on their citizens’ head? Because of the advantages they can gain. If you don’t know how to protect a fair society, if you want to bring the beautiful country back to a place where the stronger are encouraged to take advantage from the weaker, you may end up being one of the citizens being sitting on. Because, let’s face it, you are not likely becoming the strongest one.
However, like those who had to steal for bread hundreds years ago, unemployed locals criticise immigrants, which in fact, from my point of view, is understandable. Because after all, no one enjoys unwilling unemployment. Suggestions though: get better education, because soon the cheapest labour will be roberts that are happy to work 24 hours with “0” complain, no passports required, no pension funds required, no degree required, and worst of all, no wage required. No humans can compete with them. They are literally Roborts with no life. Think how fast mobile technology has grown last ten years? Once the robort technology pass the test, bulk production will spread the whole world within few years. Worst of all, Roberts can reproduce Roberts. Their reproducing speed is unlimited. If you think isolating your country can protect your job, even if you succeed, after less than one decade, congratulations, your mother land will be the least developed country in the world. By then you will try your best to immigrant out. Today, it’s because of the high technology and cheap labour in other countries, you get lower living lost and lower education cost, which allows you to study in the university without working. So appreciate it and make use of the chance now. I personally feel sorry for those unemployed, I know it’s a bit hard for them to adapt to this fast growing world. However, it’s still better than hundreds years ago, because of the low efficiencies, some times people had to kill simply just for food or sex.
So what can those extra work force do if all those easy boring labouring work will be taken by machines? Well. how about we forcus more on biological science? try to find cure for cancer or other deadly disease, or even death? Wouldn’t that be exciting if we all can live as long as we want and recover our skin to 10 year old while we turn 100?
or how about spending more time and energy searching the outer space more often? build residential places on other planets? don’t you want to go and have a look if there are other planets having small human tents?
what about human history and earth history? don’t you want to know how our earth looked like 10,000 years ago? do you want to know how our ancestries invented language and tools? don’t you want to know if dinosor really exist?
Think narrowly, your future will be narrowed with no path. Think more openly, you will get yourself a much brighter and happy future!
She used to despise her father and mother. Coz they seems only focused on the boy as if he was the only needed child in this family. The prejudice and ignorance of the parents during childhood made her so rebelling and wanted to be different from the whole society. She wasn’t a fan of Chinese tradition. She disliked most of the cultural coz just because she was a girl, she was treated as the second after boys. Also just because she was a child, she was dominated and was completely hierarchy from the authority – the elders. She started dreaming going away from this cultural and this society as it made her miserable. She was very upset with the falling behind, isolated, uncivilised and sealed chinese country side. She swelled she would go away from all these. She succeeded. She immigrated to a very developed country – australia. A country where women were more respected. a country where children were treated equally with the parents. A country where people are open minded. However, in the end, some part is what she has dreamed of, while there’s still another part she felt missing. In the end, she realised, that part of her is still being a chinese girl, which she will never change, which she will have to make herself get along with. Facing the difference of cultural, the huge gap between what she has experienced in childhood, and what she had experienced in this developed modern civilised country, she finally made herself be able to face everything peacefully.
During the experience of exploring the western world, a huge stimulation was from her dream of finding a true love, who could give her the missing attention during her childhood. The care and equality she always wanted her whole life. She got herself hit by quite many bumps. So far, she hasn’t found the person yet. There was once a man, who also had huge passion in international culture and relations, who was also interested in internal culture. However, unfortunately, they were driven by slightly different motivation. He wanted to protect Australia from the other world. She however, wanted to change china and bring more equal to the world. She has these beautiful dreams to make a change to the world. but not many men could understand or even just see it.
Even it’s not working for the relationship, she decided to let it go and do what she think she is granted to do for this world. She decided to contribute to this website and write down her stories, for those who had similar experiences as her, as well as those who wants to know what happened to this interesting girl’s life. Hope this experience will help to improve the world to a better place. A nice beautiful marriage is what she is hoping for, but is not what her life is for. She decided to live her life, not to limit her life by a pursuing a marriage. She decided to tell the true story of her own to the whole world. She believed, her true story will get some to this world.
Hopefully, someday, she will be able to make a film or show from her story.